Tag: Introductions

Project Update #7 27.JAN.2016
Welcome to the new project blog! We are excited to have this up and running after several months of construction and developing our skills in WordPress. This will now be the main go-to space for project news, information, resources, and an easy way onto the Know Your Place map. Look out for the click-through map […]

Project Update #6 18.DEC.2015
Partners Progress Meeting #2 The project held its second progress meeting for partners in Chippenham on 7th December 2015, with 13 in attendance and 8 different partner organisations represented. As usual, we had a lively discussion with lots of good ideas and questions and a consultation workshop to map out some of the project’s work […]

Project Update #5 02.NOV.2015
Project Schedule Updates from colleagues and partners are now in, and there are a couple of revisions to the project schedule over the next coming months… Map Digitisation We’re a few weeks behind our original schedule, but the digitisation of historic maps is progressing apace: ICAM are packing up and relocating this week from Gloucester […]

Project Update #4 29.SEPT.2015
Partners Progress Meeting The project held its first progress meeting for partners in Gloucester on 14th September 2015, with 19 in attendance and 14 different partner organisations represented. A lively discussion with lots of good ideas and questions made it a valuable first meeting, so thanks to all who could make it. The next progress […]

Project Update #3 02.SEPT.2015
Two months into the project and with the summer holiday season now coming to an end, I am pleased to give you an update on the latest progress. Visits With introductions over, our travels round the region are now focused on meeting match-funders, finalising project paperwork, establishing volunteer networks, and attending a busy programme of […]

Project Update #2 23.JULY.2015
Firstly, thanks to everyone for the warm welcome you have given myself and my colleague Anne Lovejoy as we have settled into post. Visits Anne and I have now visited colleagues at Gloucestershire Archives, Yate Heritage Centre, Somerset Heritage Centre, Swindon Heritage Centre, the British Library, B&NES HER office, the Bristol Know Your Place team […]

Project Update #1 30.JUNE.2015
HLF award news Some of you may already have heard the news that the KYP project has been successful in being awarded the Heritage Lottery-funded application to deliver Know Your Place – West of England. This follows the successful stage 1 pilot project led by Project Officer Chris Webb in 2014. The 18-month stage 2 […]